45 Ranch Information

Runway Coordinates

Decimal Degrees (WGS84)

Latitude Longitude
42.17243 -116.875084

Degrees, Minutes & Seconds

Latitude Longitude
N42 10 20 W116 52 30


Latitude Longitude
N 42 10.346 W 116 52.505

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Landing at the 45 Ranch is at your own risk. The airstrip is 2,700’ long by 60’ wide at a field elevation of 4,300’ with terrain obstructions at each end of the runway. Pilots should be experienced and proficient in both mountain/canyon flying and high density altitude operations. Do not land if there are sprinklers in operation on the runway, there is an alternate BLM strip approximately 2 mile east. The location is remote and there is no fuel available at the 45 Ranch, so please plan accordingly.

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