Patron Levels & Benefits

Our Patrons are those that have made larger cash or property donations to the Jim Richmond Backcountry Aviation Foundation, and they are incredibly important to accomplishing the mission we have set out to do. If you have backcountry property that is aviation accessible (or could be developed for aviation access) and have wanted to open it to the public, we can help. When property is donated to JRBAF, we take over the managing the property itself, managing the public access, and paying the operational costs. The doner still can use and enjoy the property at will, while also receiving a tax deduction for the full appraised value of the property. Donating a property eliminates any liability concerns the doner may have in allowing public access, and can also create a lasting family legacy for generations to come.

For more information, contact:

Generational Founding Patron - $1,000,000 cash or in-kind donation

  • Lifetime membership for donor & spouse, children, grandchildren & great grandchildren
  • Advance facilities reservation (up to 2 years in advance of stay)
  • 30% discount on facilities use fees / rental

Family Founding Patron - $500,000 cash or in-kind donation

  • Lifetime membership for donor, spouse, and children
  • Advance facilities reservation (up to 18 months in advance of stay)
  • 20% discount on facilities use fees / rental

Backcountry Patron - $100,000 cash or in-kind donation

  • Lifetime membership for donor and spouse
  • Advance facilities reservation (up to 1 year in advance of stay)
  • 10% discount on facilities use fees / rental

JRBAF membership includes unlimited property access (by aircraft or other means for camping, fishing, hiking, and other recreational activities, including cabin and other facilities rental. Also included with Foundation membership are email news updates, and a free annual membership gift (tee shirt, hat, coffee mug, calendar or similar), and voting rights for Foundation governance (per our bylaws) at our biennial membership meeting. Membership is non-transferable and has no cash value.